Running a Space module

Space modules are run following the command format:

space -m [reponame] /[nodename]/ -- [arguments]  

The following example describes a new module that runs a shell script function when called.
Before running the module, create the following files: Spacefile.yaml and



    printf "Hello from MY_FUNCTION\n"  

Now run space -f Spacefile.yaml. This is the same as running space without specifying a YAML file because Spacefile.yaml is the default file name (implicit module loading). Space will then look for the accompanied .sh or .bash file, in this case, for loading the code

Where to look for existing Space Modules?

Official core Modules are located at

Downloading and running a Space Module

Let’s run the core Module named os, located at Its description says: module to handle operating system tasks such as user processes, packages and services management

Now run:

space -m os /info/

The previous command reads as follows:

Tell Space program to run module named os and run node named info

Nodes are the units in which the Module hierarchy are laid out. Whenever creating a new Module function, a YAML node will be required for exposing public functionality.

Module hierarchy, nodes and more are explained in depth in section How Space Modules work

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Next: How Space Modules work

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