SSH module: Open reverse tunnel from server

We can open a reverse tunnel from a remote server back to the local computer.

A reverse tunnel could be useful when we are behind a strict firewall and cannot listen for incoming connections directly because the firewall will not let them through. So we leverage a third party server to tunnel such a connection back to us over the secure SSH connection.

A reverse tunnel makes the SSH daemon on the remote server open a listening socket on the provided bindaddress:bindport, and each accepted connection will be tunnelled back to the local computer by SSH opening a client socket to localhost:localport so that data can be tunnelled between those end points.

Set -e SSHTUNNEL=bindaddress:bindport:localhost:localport

bindaddress:bindport are relative to the remote machine.
localhost:localport are relative to the local machine.


space -m ssh /tunnel/reverse/ -e SSHTUNNEL= -e SSHHOST=address

Exit status code is expected to be 0 on success.

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