Docker Compose Module

The Docker Compose module is an interface to the Docker Compose command line tool.
By having an interface to the Docker compose tool we can apply the power to it.

Deploy a compose file over SSH

To deploy a docker-compose.yaml file locally, simply do:

space -m docker-compose /up/ -- docker-compose.yaml

Or preferably using -e variables:

space -m docker-compose /up/ -e composefile=docker-compose.yaml

Then to deploy the compose over ssh (without uploading the file), we simly wrap it using the SSH module:

space -m docker-compose /up/ -e composefile=docker-compose.yaml \
    -d ssh /wrap/ -e SSHHOST=address

Check its status using the /ps/ node:

space -m docker-compose /ps/ -e composefile=docker-compose.yaml \
    -d ssh /wrap/ -e SSHHOST=address

Or why not enter into a running container on the remote host:

space -m docker-compose /enter/ -e container=[tab][tab] \
    -d ssh /wrap/ -e SSHHOST=address

Note that for the auto completion to work in this case you must have ssh login keys setup, because entering a password when tab completing will not work.

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